Monday, November 5, 2012

Orycon 34, or How I Spent My Weekend

So this was my first time attending Orycon, Oregon's premier science fiction convention. I had wanted to check it out in the past, but never got around to it. This year, I actually got to go as a member of NIWA, the Northwest Independent Writers Association.

The left side of our awesome booth
We took turns being the Featured Author O' The Hour, and I was the first one up on the first day (Friday). Neat! I experimented with two different sitting positions behind the table before we all agreed that standing out in front was the much superior alternative.

Standing, but not yet in front
I also attended a panel called The Future of Small Press Publishing, the basic take-home message of which was: the future is bright! Seriously, though, with all of the options and resources available these days, it's a great time to be an author. Which segues back into...

NIWA! If you're an indie author in the northwest, check us out. Not only do we do cool stuff like have a communal table at Orycon, it's a great way to network with other writers and share resources and ideas. Everyone is friendly and supportive, and it's just a lot of fun.

Would you buy a book from these people? Yes, yes you would
And did I mention the party? Yes, there was an after-party in the convention hotel on Saturday night. You can find pics of it on the NIWA Facebook page, but if you're looking for a summary from me, let's just say, what happens at Orycon...

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